Alarm Dispatch (Alarm Dispatch Window)

Alarm Dispatch

The Alarm Dispatch pane lists the Devices associated with the Site. The Status displays 'Normal', 'Alarm', 'Test', 'Rnwy', 'Partial Test'*, 'Partial Rnwy'*, 'OOS' for the Device. When in alarm, the Alarm Time (elapsed from the signal), Priority and Event Codes show. Priorities are assigned colors (default is black). When multiple signals are received on one device, the Highest Priority event code displays. More device information is contained in the flyout at the beginning of the row, such as Device Information, Location and Communication Type.

 The Device on the top of the list is the Device that is actively locked by the operator for dispatch. Double clicking on another row will re-focus the Alarm Dispatch window on that Device/Alarm.

If the Devices are arranged in a Primary/Secondary configuration, the Secondary device will be Italicized and Muted in the list. All Events are tied to the Primary Device, and the Secondary device cannot be selected from the list.

Points can be configured to create Separate Alarms when they are tripped. This will add another row in the Alarm Dispatch list to be handled separately from the other alarms on the site.

Closing the Alarm Dispatch window will warn when other devices on the site are still in alarm.

**Devices in Test/Runaway that do not include the ‘All’ option will be indicated with the Status of ‘Partial Test’ or ‘Partial Rnwy’ in the device list. If there are multiple tests, with one ‘All’ and some ‘partial’ tests, the status will show ‘Test’. The text is controlled by Data Source Prompts on the ‘Alarm Dispatch’ window and can be customized with the language application.**

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