Alarm Statistics

The Alarm Statistics window (Data > History > Alarm Statistics) shows an alarm count of an hour or half-hour 'bucket' based on a combination of Priority, Dispatch Group, and Operators. Based on the Time Option, the results will either display the average and maximum time for between the Alarm Signal and Operator Access or between Operator Access and the Partial/Full Clear. The Operator Access is the Operator Action assigned to as the 'Dispatch Operator Action' in stages® Options.

Start and End Date are required. Entering Start and End Time will limit the results. Entering in a Date Range of 08/01/08 to 08/31/08 and a Time Range of 0900 to 1700 will show all alarms between 9am and 5pm in the month of August.

The displayed information is divided into 'buckets' or columns. The default 'bucket' is an hour period, but can be changed to a 30-minute period. The default organization is grouped by Priority Group, but can also be grouped by Priority or Dispatch Group. The time option allows the time to reflect either the time span from the Alarm entering a queue until accessed by an operator, or the time span from operator access to a full/partial clear. The Alarm enters a queue immediately when it is received and after it has been partial cleared, re-prioritized and/or delayed.

The results can be filtered by selecting certain dispatch groups, priorities, or operators. The results default to include all. The multi-select lookups can be used to pick specific dispatch groups, priorities, or operators to include.

For each 'bucket', the 'count' is a link to the Alarm Statistics Detail window which lists the Alarms. The alarm can be selected to bring up the Alarm History.

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