The Blanket Alarm Clear window (Utilities > Blanket Alarm Clear) allows a range of Xmit# for a combination of region and priority to be cleared. This could be done in a blackout situation, or when a storm is setting off motion sensors to remove those signals from a Dispatch Queue. Blanket Alarm Clears will not affect accounts that are locked by an operator.
- Either a selection of Regions or a Dispatch Group is required.
- Either a range of Priority or a Priority Group is required.
- The Clear can be filtered to include only selected Service Type and/or Event Codes.
- The Clear will not affect alarms received in the past minutes entered in the ‘minutes ago’ field.
- Clears can be limited to only affect sites belonging to certain Site Groups or ranges of transmitter(Xmit) codes.
- On the Site History, there is no indication of the blanket alarm clear, if this should be indicated, use the ‘comment’ field.
Blanket Alarm Clears are recorded in the Blanket Clear Log window (Data > stages™ > Blanket Clear Log).