Emails can be sent through stages® during dispatch. Templates are set up ahead of time in the setup window. When an operator selects a template, the email is automatically structured with the site information. Legal Notes can be added to the bottom of the email. Legal Notes are entered in the Stages options indow (Utilities > stages® > stages® Options).
Press the Email button on the Site Summary pane to open the Dispatch Email pane. Select an Email Template from the lookup. The template will populate the fields except for email to address. The lookup for email to address will display a list of site group contacts. Save the email and it will be entered into the SGS Mail Service queue and sent out through your email server. The email can be edited after the Template has been entered to allow for additional information.
Email Template
Email Templates use Variables for types of site information. When applied to a site, stages™ will substitute the actual information for the variable. As you can see, [SiteGroupName:dealer] in the template below displays 123 AlarmCo, the site’s dealer, in the email body above. A list of variables is included on the Email Template window.
If desired a “blank” email template can be set up with no variables to allow operators to construct an email from scratch.