
Runaway conditions occur when a device is receiving multiple signals in a time frame. Runaways are handled similarly to On Test situations, and are configured in the Test/Runaway Category setup window. A runaway can be initiated from the On Test button from the Site Summary pane, or the On Test Button within Recent History. Runaway Conditions can be alerted to the operator using Runaway Thresholds (based on Site or Site Group) and Possible Runaway Conditions (global setting).

Runaway Threshold

Runaway Thresholds (Setup > Alarm Processing > Runaway Threshold) can log an Event Code when its Count (number of signals) is reached in an hour period. Runaway Thresholds are assigned to the Site Group on the Site Group Detail pane and the Site on the Site tab of the Site Data Entry window. In the event that both are assigned, the Runaway Threshold on the Site takes precedent.

The Event Code assigned in the Runaway Threshold will generate a Status Change message, can bump up the Priority of the alarm, and have an Action Plan associated with it.

Possible Runaway Condition

stages can be configured to give a message for a Possible Runaway Condition. The configuration is done in the stages® Option window (Utilities > stages > stages Options).

There are three fields that apply to the runaway message: Runaway Count, Runaway Minutes and Runaway Message. Runaway Count is a number of incoming signals on the same point that will trigger the message. If the Runaway Count is reached for a signal within the Runaway Minutes time frame, the Runaway Message will appear in parenthesis on the Recent History bar in the Alarm Dispatch window. The message must relay the possibility of the Runaway condition.

This is only a message to the operators, the account will not be automatically placed on Runaway.

To place the Account on runaway, open the On Test window from the Site Summary. Select 'All'. Enter a Category of Runaway, set the time period if different from the default, and save the test to start. Sites on test/runaway will not appear in the Alarm Buffer or be Auto Fed to an operator.

Alternatively, if a single point is repeatedly sending the same signal, the recurring signal/point combination can be placed on Runaway using the On Test From History button on the Recent History list. The default for the On Test From History window can be a test category of Runaway. The default is set in the stages Options window. This will remove the signal if it was in alarm condition. Other alarm conditions if any on the account can then be handled.

The Runaway can be removed by opening the On Test window and clearing the test from the list.

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