Multiple Account Location

Account Site and Location Sites

The Multiple Location Account includes one "Account" site that is for the monitoring device and multiple "Location" Sites that are for the locations that are monitored.  Any General Dispatching for the account as a whole can be dispatched on the Account site, but signals for specific locations will be dispatched on the Location sites.

Account Site

The Account Site will include all the Device Configuration for the Account. The Account Site device should have an Xmit# similar to xxx000.  The Account Site includes Contacts for the account as a whole (Owners, Security, Personnel, House Cleaning....), the Site Group and the Site Agencies.

Location Sites

The Location Sites will include the addresses, phones and contacts that will be used for dispatching.  The Site for Location 101 should contain a proxy device with an Xmit# similar to xxx101 or xxx000-01.  The Device Configuration of the Account Site device will forward the signal to the proxy device on the Location Site.

Location Sites can be created quickly by using the Device Copy Utility (Utilities > Device > Device Copy) and transferring the Site Groups, Agencies and Contacts from the Account Site.  Then, only the address, phone number and location-specific contacts need to be added.


All Configuration is entered on the Account Site and point to the Location Site using the Alt Xmit#.  The Configuration Points for location 101 will be similar to 101+[point #].  The points for location 101 use the alternate Xmit# of xxx101 and stages® will forward the signal to the proxy device on the Location Site so that dispatch takes place on the Location 101 site.

Site Group

To ease dispatch and data entry in a multi-location account (such as a University, Office Building, Apartment Complex...) that uses a single device for monitoring, a Site Group could be set up for the Account as a whole with different locations as separate sites to ease setup.

The Site Group can include a phone number for the Account office that can be called by Action Plans. The Site Group can link the action plans to common events in the locations. A Site Group Type can be set up for this type of account, and given a rule order higher than other site groups.

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