Device Configuration

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Device Configuration

Device Configuration is a listing of device signal codes and points. Signal codes are used for specific messages that apply to the panel itself, such as low battery. Points (typically entered as numbers) refer to sensors linked to the device. Points are sometimes referred to as zones. Devices that have different areas opening and closing at different schedules can be set up with areas.

Default configuration for a device type is entered in the Device Type setup (Setup > Device Setup > Device Type). Default Site Groups configurations are entered in the Site Group setup (Setup > Site GroupSSetup > Site Group). Site Group configurations can be set up with or without Device Types. Site specific configuration is entered in Site Data Entry. The Default Configuration will display in the list on the Site Configuration muted and italicized. The Configuration page will display only the “top” configuration for a point or signal code according to the hierarchy.

Editing an Inherited configuration will create a Site level configuration. The Inherited and Site configurations will both display.

The Device Configuration window features an index on the left side. 20 rows are displayed in the Configuration pane. The span of 20 that are displayed will be highlighted in the index. Selecting a point or signal code will open the information on the Configuration Detail.

Points can be entered with limited details in the Device Configuration Quick Entry or with full details in the Configuration Detail.


The device configuration can be imported from another Transmit # by using the Import function on the bottom left of the Device Configuration window. Import is only available for Site Device Configuration. Device Type and Site Group Device do not have the import option.


Zones are identified by a Point (numeric value for a sensor), Signal Status, Signal Code or a combination. Signal Status is the type of signal that will trip this point, defaults to 'A'. If any other statuses on this point needs special treatment, they can be added as additional points with the same point number and a different status.

A specific Event Code can be generated when this point is tripped. If there is no specific need for an event code, it will default to the signal code default event code.

The Restore Flag indicates that the point reports restores and the Restore state is tracked. Only use if the entry contains a point and the signal status is an ‘A’ (alarm). The Restore Wait minutes can be entered (default is 20 minutes) and the Count of how many times the restore expected event will be set up.

The Point Description is made up of the Location, Type, and Description. Location – physical location of the sensor, setup in the Equipment Location setup (Setup > Device > Equipment Location). Type – type of sensor, setup in the Equipment Type setup (Setup > Device > Equipment Type).

If the device has multiple areas, enter the area this point belongs to.

For a point with Area & Open Close events, enter the schedule# on the device, or the Site Group schedule that it follows.

The point can be assigned a 'dummy' transmitter number connected to another site by entering an Alt Xmit#. When the signal appears on the Alternate Xmit# it will have 'Reporting Xmit#' with the Xmit# of the Device that the signal was received by. This could be used when a single device monitors Multiple Locations in a mall or apartment complex.

The point can report a User ID when the point is tripped. This will override the User ID that comes in on the alarm. If a specific User ID should cause a different outcome, the point is entered as [SignalCode][UserID].

A specific Action Plan can be linked to the point. If there is no specific need for an action plan, stages™ will follow the Action Plan Hierarchy to determine which action plan to use.

Alarm Confirmation applies a rule to only generate an alarm if another point with the same Confirmation category is tripped within a certain time frame. The Confirmation 'categories' are entered and assigned time frames in the Alarm Confirmation setup window (Setup > Alarm Processing > Alarm Confirmation).

The point can create a Separate Alarm on a trip on this point that is dispatched separately from any other incoming signal. This can be used for a specialized environmental alarm, such as a power failure on a freezer that must be ensured is restored.

The point can be set up to launch an Auto Process regardless of the normal rules assigned to that Auto Process.

Effective Action Plan displays the Action Plan that will be called when this point is tripped. The link opens up the Action Plan window to view/edit the plan. Action Plan Match displays the level in the Action Plan Hierarchy that the Effective Action Plan is assigned.

For panels that are programmable to send multiple Timer Test signals (different formats, intervals, etc.) with Point information attached in the message, multiple Timer Tests can be tied to Points on the device. This feature can also be used to make a recurring alarm situation, for instance a Medication Reminder for medical monitoring accounts.

The Point can be configured to override the Priority, Delay and Alarm status of the Event Code.

A restore signal to a point can restore other points as well. Enter the other points that are restored by clicking on the link.

A Comment can be added to the point by clicking the link. The Comment is displayed in the Flyout in History.

Using Wild Cards Wild Cards can be used in the Point to apply to a range of signal codes. For instance using SIA code, the Point could be F% with an event code of FIRE. A signal of FA99 will match the entry for F% and produce the event FIRE on point 99.

Device Configuration Hierarchy

Device Configuration uses the following Hierarchy to determine which Point to match on when multiple matches are defined.

  1. Site Device Configuration
  2. Site Group, Device Type and Site Type
  3. Site Group and Device Type
  4. Site Group and Site Type
  5. Site Group
  6. Device Type

Site Group Configuration can be set up to include Site Type, Device Type, Both or Neither. If Site Type and/or Device Type is left blank, it will apply to all Site Types/Device Types.

During Signal Processing, stages™ will first apply the event code listed in the Site Device Configuration followed by the next step down the list. If no event code is listed for the configurations, the default event code for the signal code will apply.

When determining which Action Plan is used, the Site Device Configuration takes precedence, followed by the next step down the list. When no Action Plan is listed for the configurations, stages™ will look for an action plan down the action plan hierarchy.

Quick Configuration

Simple zoning can be entered on the Quick Configuration tab, only including Point, Signal Status, Signal Code, Event Code, Area, Restore, and Point Description Information. The Quick Configuration window can be opened in view only mode from the Alarm Dispatch window.

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