stages® Documentation - Home


How can I set up Auto Process Rules?  Click here

How can I create an Action Plan?  Click here

What are the definitions of the Out of Service (OOS ) Categories?  Click here.

What are the definitions of the Open and Close Events Status?  Click here.

How can I link zones to different sites?  Click here.

How can I set up a schedule for a Site Group?  Click here.

How can I add an Unscheduled Disarm Rule?  Click here.

How can I create reports to pull information from multiple Site Groups?  Click here.

How do remote devices (PERS) check in?  Click here.

What does AHT on the Dispatch Screen mean?  Click here.

What is Multiple Alarms on the Alarm Buffer All screen?  Click here.

What does the RST option do?  Click here.

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