
The Memo system allows for public Messages to be sent between stages™ Departments or to Site Groups in the External Application.

Memos can be sent from Sites (Site Data Entry and Alarm Dispatch) , or generally from the Send Memo utility. Memos include a Subject, Body, and Action Date/Time. Memos sent from the Site will automatically populate 'to Site Group#'. The 'Default Memo to Department' stages® Option will override this and automatically populate the Department instead.

Memos are received and reviewed in the Memo Inbox (Utilities > Memo > Memo Inbox). Memos can be marked as read, and a reply can be sent. In the external application, the Memo Inbox is opened from the Summary window. stages™ Users with a User Role that is assigned a department can access the Memo Inbox from the Status Bar.

Memo History can be seen in Site Data Entry and in the Memo Utility menu. Memos can be sent out as an Auto Process.


Departments (Setup > stages™ Setup > Department) can be set up with a Notify Option for either Email or SMS and the Auto Notify Recipient. When a memo is sent to a department, a notification will be sent out.

The Monitoring and Billing Departments are assigned in stages™ Options. The Monitoring Department is used as the From Department when a Memo is sent. The Billing Department can be used in third party integrations to billing software.

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