Event Codes are applied Service Types such as Fire, Burg... etc. The Service Types provide a means for applying Action Plans on a very basic level.
The last place that stages™ looks for an Action Plan in the Hierarchy is Service Type (Setup > Alarm Processing > Service Type). Service Types can be assigned Action Plans based on Site Type (Residential, Commercial..etc.) or Dispatch Type. Leaving Site Type/Dispatch Type blank will apply to all site types/dispatch types. Action Plans assigned to Service Types should be generic action plans. Action plans assigned at any other point in the hierarchy will override the service-type action plan.
Devices can be placed On Test for Service Type(s), or excluding Service Type(s).
A Blanket Alarm Clear can be executed for a Service Type or group of Service Types.
In order to ensure that an action plan is always used:
- All Event Codes should be applied a Service Type.
- All Service Types should have Action Plans assigned for all Site Types.
Service Types are also used as a filter when applying action plans to Sites, Agencies, and Site Groups.