SMTP ports and email security
Different ports are associated with different security measures, so choosing the right one is key to ensuring you're protecting your email communications.
Some ports transmit encrypted messages, while other ports remain open for all types of traffic. The port you use may be determined by the security standards of your organization, or by the sensitive contents of the messages you send.
SMTP port 25
If Stages is set up to use security, then task parameters are needed:
SSMTP Port 587 will require Stages Task Options to manage the Security connection requirement
If SSL is set with a value of Y then set SecureSocketOption with a value of StartTls else set SecureSocketOptions with a value of Auto.
If SecureSocketOption parameter is present these are the options:
You can explicitly set a parameter for SecureSocketOption or just use the SSL flag. But using the SSL flag will only set it to SecureSocketOption with a value of StartTls or SecureSocketOptions with a value of Auto, SecureSocketOption parameters override the SSL flag