
People associated with Sites or Site Groups are entered as Contacts. Active contacts are automatically placed in the Call List on the Alarm Dispatch window, the PIN list for verification, and the Email list for Dispatch Email and SGS Report Distribution. Site Group Contacts are included in the lists for all the sites belonging to the site group.

Site Contacts are accessed in the Contact tab of the Site Data Entry window. In the list of Contacts, contacts can be selected to edit on the detail mode to the right. The Contact Name in the list is formatted in the "Name Format" stages® Options. This format also applies to the Call List.

Contact Detail

ECV (Enhanced Call Verification)

Places the contact on the default ECV list that can be used in an Action Plan.


Records whether the contact has keys to the premise.

Authority (Setup > Contact Setup > Authority)

Authority is a description of what the contact is allowed to do. This will display when verifying contacts. Authorities are assigned Authority Items to allow the Contact / Code Word the ability to place devices On Test, make Schedule changes, etc. For Authorities marked as 'custom', Authority Items can be assigned to the individual Contact using the Custom Authority button . Authority can be used to generate a call list for an action plan step.

Relation (Setup > Contact Setup > Relation)

The Relation is a description of why the person is a contact for the site, such as owner, employee… Relation can be used to generate a call list for an action plan step.

Contact Info

Contact info allows Rich-text and will display while calling the contact in dispatch.


PINs are used for verification of contacts during dispatching and data change requests.

Effective Date

Entering a future date in the Effective date will set the contact to not be in the call list until the date.

Expire Date

Entering an expiration date will expire the contact, but retain it in the database for history information.  Expired contacts are hidden on the list and can be viewed by clicking the Display/Hide Expired button on the bottom of the window.  Expired contacts will be displayed as lighter and italicized.


The Day/Time that the contact is available can be entered and will affect the call list during dispatch by schedule. Add View/Edit Remove . If a Day Time is created without a Schedule entered, the Day Time entry will be automatically deleted.


The Contact can be set up with Patient Information for Medical Monitoring.

Temporary Inactive

The Contact can be temporarily removed from Call Lists and Notifications by entering a start and end Inactive date/time.


User Defined Fields can be assigned to the Contact. 

User ID

User ID refers to the login on the alarm panel. Users are added to the Device by their user ids.

Phones and Emails

Enter phone numbers for the contact to be reached during dispatch. Phones can be applied Day/Time modifiers by pressing the Day Time button. stages™ will use the appropriate phone for the day time when following action plans. Fax lines can be entered for notifications. Emails can be entered for notifications. Faxes and emails with the Auto Notify flag checked will receive faxes for an event tied to an Auto Process. Emails and Fax Phones with the Data Change flag checked will receive an email /fax with a Site Database report attached when site data is changed.

Contact Lists

Contact Lists can be called upon by Action Plans for structured dispatch. Contact lists can be anything that will help organize contacts in a dispatch. Lists are entered in the Contact List Type window (Setup > Contact Setup > Contact List Type). Contact Lists are created automatically ECVs, Relations and Authorities. A default Contact List can be assigned to all Contacts in stages® Options.

Site Group Contacts

Site Group Contacts are entered the same way as Site Contacts and displayed in the Call List. Site Group Contacts can be used in the verification process. Site Group Contacts are also assigned logins to the External Application.  Site Group Contact PINs are used to access the IVR system.

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