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Follow Up
If an action needs to be complete on a Site that cannot be done at the current time, a Follow Up can be created to log the action. Clicking the Follow Up button from the Alarm Dispatch or Site Data Entry windows will open a window with a list on the left and detail on the right. Enter a new follow up on the detail. Enter expire date and time for the action should be taken by. Follow Ups can be assigned to a user. Describe the action to be taken in the comment field. Follow ups are cleared in the list mode on the left. The list displays a short version of the comment; the flyout contains the full comment. If the follow up is not cleared before the expire date/time, an alarm for Late Follow Up will be generated.
When there is a pending follow up on the site, the Follow Up button will be red.
Creating a Follow Up logs the Operator Action 'CRFOL' with the follow up comment. Clearing the Follow Up opens in a new window allowing for a comment to be entered, and logs the action 'CLFOL'.
Pending Follow Up
A list of pending follow ups is available in the Utility menu (Data > Status > Pending Follow Up). The List can be filtered to show follow ups assigned to a certain user. The List displays the xmit#, site name, expiration and comment. Double clicking on the row will open the Alarm Dispatch window to execute the follow up. Clear the follow up inside the dispatch window.