Event Rules are configured to add Overrides, Aborts, or Suppressions to incoming signals when the conditions of the Event Rule are met. Event Rules can be applied Globally, on the Site Group level, and on the Device level.
The Event Rule can be applied with a Site Type and/or Dispatch Type to limit which sites the Event Rule applies to. (These options do not appear on the Device level.)
Point, Signal Status, Event Code, Service Type, and Signal Format/Signal Code can be entered to match the Event Rule to incoming signals. All of these have to match in order for the Event Rule to apply.
An Auto Evaluation can be set to only apply the Event Rule if the evaluation results in a ‘Yes’ prompt.
There are two options for the Abort: Standard and Abort During Delay.
The Standard option will cause the Abort Event to cancel the alarm at any time. If another signal comes in on the device, the abort will no longer apply. This can be used for Fail to Area & Open Close events. The Fail Open/Close event will generate an alarm, but the standard Open/Close Event can abort the alarm.
The Abort During Delay option is used when there is a delay set up on the Event Code or Event Rule. If the Abort Event is received before the delay period, the alarm will never be generated. The Events will still log into History. This can be used for points with a Restore. The initial trip on the point can be delayed for a period of time. The restore event can be set up as the abort. If the restore event is received during the delay, the alarm will be canceled before entering a queue.
A stages® Option 'Disallow Abort if Operator Accessed', under the Dispatch tab, can be set to make an accessed alarm unabortable. This will apply to both the Standard and Abort During Delay options and prevent the fail to abort event from being logged when the account has been accessed by an operator.
The Fail to Abort Event can be entered to log an event if the abort event is not received within the delay. Fail to Abort only works with the Abort During Delay option. Fail to Abort processing can be used to log an event or create an alarm when the original event was not an alarm.
The Abort New Priority will cause the abort to change the Alarm Priority, rather than aborting the alarm.
The Abort Suppression Period will cause certain signals to be suppressed for the period (seconds) after the abort has happened. Those signals are listed in the Abort Suppression List on the bottom of the window.
The Abort By Point option can be applied to require that the Abort event is received on the same Point as the Abortable event.
The Abort by Signal Code option will follow the Abort signal code entered in the signal code table.
Pri/Sec Abort will allow the abort to happen when the signal and abort are on separate transmitters in a Primary/Secondary configuration.
Abortable Seconds is how long after the signal comes in that the abort can cancel the alarm. The Abort pane lists all the signals that abort the signal that triggered the Event Rule.
The Priority, Delay Period, Alarm/Log Only Option, Event Code, Restore Wait periods, and Restore Wait counts can be overwritten from the original matching event code.
A schedule and schedule option can be applied to have the Event Rule only apply during certain times, or delay until the schedule times.
The Suppression Period is the time after the signal is received that other of the same signal will not generate alarms. Suppression During Alarm Only will end the suppression once the alarm is cleared. Suppression By Point will allow signals on different points to bypass the suppression. Suppression End Service Type will cause the suppression to end when a signal is received with that service type.
When viewing Event Rules in the Site Group, Global Event Rules will appear in italics. When viewing Event Rules in the Device, applicable Global and Site Group Rules will appear in italics. If more than one Event Rules can apply, the Overrides for the most specific rules will be used.
In the History of an Event where an Event Rule applied, the Event Rule will display in the flyout.
**It is recommended to be have good descriptions for the Event Rules so that they can be easily identified and tracked. A bigtext field for Internal Notes has been added to describe on the Setup window what the Event Rule is and why it was put in. **