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Devices are assigned Transmitter(Xmit) Codes for identification. The Xmit Code is typically a receiver-based prefix followed by a subscriber number, such as r32-1234. Xmit# formatting is configured in the Receiver tasks.
Xmit Code Control
The Xmit Code Control window (Utilities > Device > Xmit Code Control) allows the central station to pre-assign transmitter codes to Site Groups. Assigning a range of codes to site groups aids the ability to set up Dispatch Queues, perform Mass In/Out of Service, and Blanket Alarm Clear.
In the Xmit Code Control window, first identify a Prefix. Usually the prefix is associated with a receiver. For the prefix specify the number of digits for the Subscriber# (Panel #) portion of the Transmitter Code. Also specify the range.
Use the Xmit Code Assignment window to assign Panel# ranges to specific site groups. The list window on the right will display the next 200 available Xmit#’s for the current assignment.
An Xmit# that has been assigned to a site group will only be allowed to be entered on a device belonging to an account belonging to the site group. The Device window will not validate the Xmit# if it cannot be used and return an error message.
Create Sites
From the Xmit Code Assignment list, a Group of 'shell' Sites can be created by pressing the Create Xmit Code button. The site will be created with a Site Name (defaulted from the stages® Option 'Xmit Assignment Site Name'), attached to a Site Group (that the range is assigned to) and a Device containing the Xmit# and Device Type. The device can be set as Out of Service by entering an OOS category (defaulted from the stages™ Option 'New Device OOS Category'. The Xmit Range must be inside the range assigned to the site group.
New Site/Devices can also be created by Signal Processing when a signal is received for an 'Unknown Account'. This functionality is activated by entering a Site Name in the stages® Option 'Auto Create Xmit Site Name'. If the Xmit# is assigned to a Site Group, the created site will be tied to the Site Group.