Site Data Entry will check for the Information defined in the setup table. The Audit will be visible to the operators when the information is missing. A check will be made before placing the device in service.
The Site Audit is configured in Setup > Site Setup > Site Audit. The Label and Action Code are displayed when the audit is opened from Site Data Entry and in the In Service window. The Audit checks can be defined as ‘No Audit’ – will not be checked, ‘Warning’ – will display but not prevent In Service, or ‘Required’ – will display and prevent In Service.
In Site Data Entry, the Audit Button will only appear when there is missing information. The Button will display more prominently (in red and yellow) when there is required information missing.Placing the device In Service will check for missing information. If there are required items missing, the In Service will not be allowed. If there are only warning items missing, they will be listed, but the In Service can be executed.
Site Audit Search (Utilities > Lists) displays by Site Group and by Audit Code a list of Sites that have information missing in the audit.