Dispatch Lock
The Top Bar of the window displays the Xmit# and Site Name. The Xmit# and Site Name are also displayed in the Status Bar.
The top left pane displays the Local Time for the site, the Dispatch Lock status, and a Link to either Enter/Exit Auto Feed or Manually Lock/Unlock the account. The Local Time is based on the Time Zone assigned to the Site in Site Data Entry. The Central Station time displays in the Status Bar when the stages® Option 'Office Time Display' is turned on. The Dispatch Lock status will display 'Locked for Dispatch' when the operator has the account locked, 'Locked by: [Operator]' when another operator has the account locked. Several dispatch features are dependent upon having the account locked. The Dispatch Locked Status can also be 'Not Locked' when no Operator has the account locked. By default, the Enter Auto Feed or Exit Auto Feed link is displayed. If the user's User Role is configured for 'Manual Lock', the User will be able to Lock and Unlock the account instead of entering/exiting Auto Feed.